Wedding & Portrait Photographer, Lancaster, PA | Gretchen Elaine Photography

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"Top 5 Smartest Decisions I Have Made" | Gretchen Elaine Photography

Owning a business is very rewarding, but also comes with challenges and making mistakes here and there. I have learned so much in the last almost 4 years of what it takes to run a business and how to think through problems that arise. I wanted to write a top 5 smartest decisions list for this week’s blog in hopes of lending a helping hand to those starting out their business!

  1. Customer Relationships Are First And Foremost

    This is the number one rule that I live and preach by! I am a photographer because I love people and want to have a special connection with every client. It wouldn’t be any fun for anyone if I didn’t care to take the extra step and form bonds and relationships with them. Serving your client with the best customer service that you can will make what you do more enjoyable and successful.

  2. Have A “Board of Directors”

    Now when I say a Board of Directors, I know some of you will be like, “Ummmm I am the only person running this business right now, I am too small to have a board…”

    I’m not talking real official directors, get your mom, brother/sister, best friend, colleague, significant other, really anyone you trust and value their opinion. My personal “board of directors” started out with my mom. She would give me her opinion on new ideas, if she liked a style of retouching I did, etc. Eventually my fiancé / soon-to-be-husband hopped on board and helped me out quite a bit! I am lucky enough to not only have him, but also he went to school for business so he R-E-A-L-L-Y knows what he’s talking about!

  3. Social Media Management

    This one is super important and I am so thankful I stumbled upon management software! I personally use Hootsuite, but there are others like Sprout Social. (I will be honest, those are the only two I know!) Hootsuite has been an absolute God-send. Not only has it saved me time by allowing me to schedule posts out for days and even months, but it also keeps me super organized and you can track how well your posts reach your audience. This is honestly one of the best software investments I have made! I can’t tell you enough how many times people say, “Wow you post so often and keep up with it!” That is the beauty of social media management!

  4. Customer Relationship Management Software

    Not many people know exactly what this is or what it does. Once you do, it will literally blow your mind!!

    Customer Relationship Management or CRM helps keep you organized and consistent with your day -to-day business to-dos. I personally use Tave’, which is specific to photographers and other artists. Tave’ allows me to keep track of all of my booked clients and potential clients. It gives me a warning if I try to book sessions that would overlap. I can create templates for emails and schedule out emails if need be. Under every job, it contains your contact information with the client, all the emails between you and them, even online contracts they signed and other possible important documents.

    Seriously guys, I could go on and on about everything I can do with Tave’. I am probably not even using everything it can possibly do! If you can do anything for your business and yourself, you will want to get yourself a CRM.

  5. Buy Quality Not Quantity

    This is a big mistake that I eventually learned quickly. Right after I graduated college, I went on amazon and found the cheapest all in one package lighting kit, stands, etc. Very soon I realized my mistake. If you’ve ever heard the saying, “Buy Cheap, Buy Twice”, I will say for a fact this is 100% true. Now if that’s all you really can afford and you use it, that’s one thing. I have had so much random gear that I have gotten rid of and replaced with better equipment. I have had equipment break when I was on a shoot {luckily it wasn’t a big deal and no one noticed!)

    Fast forward to today, I have slowly invested in really nice equipment. From lenses to soft boxes to lights; and now I don’t need much more equipment for my sessions AND I have extremely durable and well made pieces.