Wedding & Portrait Photographer, Lancaster, PA | Gretchen Elaine Photography

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"Wildflowers Make My Heart Full" | Featured Session Location

One of my most popular and my favorite photo locations is one that is highly sought out. The wildflower field! I am so lucky to have this field practically in my backyard. I have done several session with the wildflowers ranging from seniors, couples, families, babies, etc. This is a location that is a perfect background for almost any session. Rain or shine, this is one of my favorite photo locations in Lancaster County!

One amazing part about the wildflower field is that as the summer time passes, new flowers bloom and the field changes colors drastically. Starting with blues and purples, it slowly fades to yellows and reds and everything in between. It truly is magical because a session background one week will look drastically different for the session in the next upcoming week.

One of the challenges of this location, besides it being such a hotspot for other local photographers, is that the flowers are only in bloom for a couple months. I absolutely love this location and try to use it as much as I can while the flowers are in bloom!

I highly suggest if you or someone you know is interested in beautiful flower backgrounds, to book your session with Gretchen Elaine Photography in advanced before all the session spots are filled for the next season!

Gretchen Elaine Photography, LLC

717.799.7077 ~