"Remember To Celebrate Milestones As You Prepare For The Road Ahead"


High School Senior Year

This is the year that you are finishing up school and either preparing for the next step of college and moving out on your own for the first time, or getting ready to head out into the work place and start your career.

These are pretty big steps and milestones for every high school senior.


Most seniors go through many different life changing milestones in their last year of high school. These milestones are definitely worth capturing and celebrating for years to come. Senior portraits are just one important way to celebrate with friends and family.

 Senior year is about being on the peak of something amazing - their futures are in their hands and every choice they make will determine the next milestones ahead of them.

Capturing these moments with professional photography is one way to assure that you will be able to treasure these memories for a lifetime. 


These sneak peeks are from Mariah’s beautiful senior portrait session this summer.

Mariah - It was an absolute pleasure not only photographing your beautiful senior portraits, but also getting to know you and your family. You have a bright future ahead of you and I wish you the best of luck on your journey!

Gretchen Elaine Photography, LLC

717.799.7077 ~ gehphotos@gmail.com