Gretchen Elaine Photography Professional Headshot Experience

With the ever growing need for an updated professional headshot, I have been asked more frequently what all is included in my headshot sessions and what it will be like.

It is no secret that many people feel uncomfortable in front of the camera. Every headshot session I have, my clients always tell me they hat e looking at photos of themselves. Now that is a topic for a different blog, but it can be very difficult to get yourself to schedule a session if this is one of your fears.

When you book your session, you now have two options.

1. I can come to you or to a location for environmental background headshots. For example, the images below were at a location using natural stone texture behind Joanne.

2. Gretchen Elaine Photography is now offering an in studio session with studio backdrops at our new office location in Ephrata. Our studio is located in the Cloister Shopping Center in Ephrata, PA.

Prior to your session, I like to send over an email with links that may help you decide what to wear and other questions you might have. At the session you will also be able to choose in real time your favorite images. I have found this to be so helpful and makes everyone feel better knowing they like how the photos are turning out.

About 1 week later, I will send you the link to access your online gallery to download your favorites from the session.

It’s as easy as that! Even though it may be difficult to have your photo taken, my goal is to make it as painless and worry free as possible. Make sure you message me if you are interested in scheduling your portrait session or have more questions!

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.