"This One Is For the Seniors"


Gretchen Elaine Photography is very excited about a new program launch for the Seniors / upcoming Seniors in the local area! We are starting a Senior Model Program. There are so many exciting activities, specials, and prizes to win by being a part of the Gretchen Elaine Photography Exclusive Senior Models group!


Within the program, there will be opportunities to be photographed with the rest of the senior models and of course your own personal senior session. Not to mention some special perks and rewards along the way!


The best part about this is that you do not need to have prior experience “modeling”! To get involved with this new program, message Gretchen to get started. At our meeting, you will be given all the information needed to decide if you want to join! There are only a limited number of Model spots, Gretchen Elaine Photography will only be allowing 7 Senior models to join.

Make sure you message us today to get started and join in all the fun!

Gretchen Elaine Photography, LLC

717.799.7077 ~ gehphotos@gmail.com